Farewell on the rooftop with barrels


DAY 17

(Reading time: 3 minutes)

There’s no need to cry over the impending departure; instead, let’s come up with the most enjoyable way to spend our last hours. We’ve visited a beautiful country, had plenty of experiences (mostly positive, a few quirky ones, but who doesn’t?), and even more photos. It’s time to leave…I mean, time to eat! Our last lunch in Taiwan:

The choice is clear. Everywhere’s good, but CoCo’s the best!

A very special Taiwanese souvenir – a CoCo Curry leaflet with a take-out menu. 😀 It will be a certain comfort and a valuable reminder of beloved food not yet (if ever) available in Europe. Not that we don’t cook anything similar at home, but you know, it’s just not the same.

The plane took off a few minutes before midnight, so we booked a hostel near the airport for our last day to have a place to rest or sleep. Last accommodation, last photo, rooftop of the hostel:

This isn’t some Instagram star; this is simply reality. 😊

We lay down for a few hours because we had a 15-hour flight ahead of us, and we’re not exactly big fans of sleeping on planes. Then came the check-out, the journey to the airport, and entry into the airspace. And with this, our travel notes from Taiwan end…

…and plans for a trip to another Asian country begin.

Which one will it be?



  • The photos in the article are the only ones we have from the last day (so we quickly decided which ones to use 🙂 ).
  • However, the picture with the barrel is not a makeshift solution; in Taiwan, you commonly see them on building rooftops; they are water reservoirs, and in case of a power outage, they ensure water supply to all outlets in the building even without a functioning pump (a small private water tower).
  • The hostel check-out took place a few hours after check-in, but rather than sit with our suitcases desperately at the airport and stare at the clock, we decided to relax for a while (we also considered the airport lounge, but the option of lying down won).
  • A 15-hour continuous flight is our personal record – the longest flights in the world are currently New York -> Sydney and New York -> Singapore, both around 19 hours – personally, I greatly appreciated an eye mask on the way back; Andy uses a neck pillow, and my brother can’t make it without high-quality headphones with ANC (active noise cancellation) during long flights; some people find sleeping pills helpful, but I consider them unnecessarily invasive; a reasonable amount of wine does the same job.
  • The dark horse of the next expedition is Malaysia and Singapore; we just need to dust off the travel itinerary; we had everything prepared years ago, all we had to do was fly, but the COVID hysteria intervened (we ended up traveling around Italy for about a month back then).
  • This is the only “donkey´s special” longer than Andy’s article itself.
  • Howgh!



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